Kayachikitsa Department

Ayurvedic Consultant Doctors

Kayachikitsa Department
      Vd. Mr. Kulkarni Rajan Balwant M.D. (Kayachikitsa) (PROFESSOR AND HOD)
      Vd. Mr. Kulkarni Eknath Ganesh M.D. (Kayachikitsa)
      Vd. Mr. Harish Garge M.D.(Kayachikitsa)
      Vd. Mrs. Sanjivani Nitin Rathod M.D.(Kayachikitsa)
      Vd. Mr. Kiran Satpute M.D.(Kayachikitsa)

Honorary Consultants of Modern Medicine


Kayachikitsa Department
      Dr. Nitin Ghaisas M.B.B.S. M.D. DM CARDIOLOGY),F.R.C.P(Ire)
      Dr. Sandeep Gaidhani M.B.B.S M.D. (Med.)Fellow in critical care
      Dr. Krishna Yadav M.B.B.S M.D. (Med.)


      Dr. Mrs. Anjali Barve M.D. (Skin)


      Dr. Jayant Dhake M.D. D.P.M.


      Dr. Devadatta Chafekar M.D ; D.N.B; D.M. (NEPHRO)
      Dr. Kailas S. Shewale M.D. D.N.B. (NEPHRO)
      Dr. Anirudhha Dhokre M.D. D.N.B. (NEPHRO)


      Vd. Vinay Velankar
      Vd. Abhay Kulkarni
Honorary OPD
Honorary OPD
Honarary Lecture
Honarary Lecture
Specialities of the Department
      1. Regular organisation of camps.
      2. Good functioning I.C.U
      3. Good functioning Haemodialysis Unit.
      4. Emphasis on ShodhanChikitsa
      5. Good support of Honourable Modern Allopathic Experts and Ayurvedic Consultants
      6. Good Quality Patient Care
      7. ICTC (HIV/AIDS Counselling and Testing)
      8. Attendance of International seminar

ICU (Intensive Care Unit)

Some Special Cases Diagnosed and Treated

      1) Myocardial Infarction
  • No of patients: 15
  • Thrombolysed with STK 15lac units- 10
  • Thrombolysed with tenecteplase 40mg- 3
  • Died- 3
  • Referred to higher centre for angiography- 6
    1. 2) Quadriplegia due to Tuberculous Infection
  • Diagnosed & Treated with AKT for 2yrs
    1. 3) Tuberculous Pericarditis
  • Diagnosed & Treated with AKT for 1yr
    1. 4) Guillain-Barre Syndrome
  • Diagnosed & Treated with intravenous immunoglobulin
  • 2gm/kg over 5 days
    1. 5) Pulmonary Tuberculosis
  • No. of patients- 20
  • Diagnosed and Referred to civil hospital to be included under RNTCP programme.
    1. 6) Generalised Tonic Clonic Seizures
  • Diagnosed & Treated with Panchkarma & Anti-Convulsion Rx.
    1. 7) Hyponatremia with AFI
  • Diagnosed & Treated with Electrolyte Therapy
    1. 8) Dengue
  • No. of Patients- 35
  • Diagnosed & Treated with Ayurvedic Rx. & fluid Therapy
  • (Sanshamani Vati & Amrutarishta , Tab. Caricin & IV Fluids)
    1. 9) Toxic Epidermo Necrolysis
  • Diagnosed & Treated with Raktapitta nashak chikitsa with Antibiotics & Steroids
    1. 10) Hereditary Spherocytosis
  • Diagnosed & Reffered to higher Centre for Spleenectomy.
    1. 11) CVA
  • Acute CVA-
  • No. of Patients-27 Diagnosed & Treated with Emergency Management followed by Panchkarma & Ayurvedic Rx.
  • Chronic CVA-
  • No of patients- 55
  • Diagnosed & Treated with Panchkarma & Ayurvedic Rx.
    1. 12) CCF & IHD
  • No of patients- 37
  • Diagnosed & Treated with Ayurvedic Rx & Various Modern Cardiac Drugs.
    1. 13) COPD
  • No of patients- 60
  • Diagnosed & Treated with Snehan Swedan as Panchkarma Ayurbvedic Rx. & Modern Rx.
    1. 14) ALD with Ascites
  • No of patients- 52
  • Diagnosed & Treated acc to Ayurvedic Principles.
    1. 15) Acute Leukaemia
  • No. of patients- 2
  • Diagnosed and referred to Haematologist for further management.
    1. 16) Immune thrombocytopenic purpura
  • Diagnosed and treated with raktapitta nashak chikitsa and immunosupressants
    1. 17) Sub acute combined degenration
  • No. of patients- 2
  • Diagnosed and treated with vatashamak chikitsa and vit B12 injection
    1. 18) Hepatitis E
  • Diagnosed and treated with Kamla nashak chikitsa.
    1. 19) Anaemia
  • Iron defeciency anaemia- 43
  • Megaloblastic Anaemia- 24
  • Diagnosed and treated with tikshna shodhana chikitsa followed by supplementation of nutrients.
    1. 20) Aamvata
  • No. of patients: 75
  • Treated acc to ayurvedic principle of Langhana –Pachana – Anulomana – Shodhana – Shamana chikitsa.
Patient on Ventilator Support
Patient on Ventilator Support
Taking Round of Patient in ICU
Taking Round of Patient in ICU
Procedures Carried Out In ICU
Ascitic Tapping
Ascitic Tapping
Pleural Tapping
Pleural Tapping
Lumbar Puncture
Lumbar Puncture
  • Intubation
  • Foley’s Catheterisation
  • Ryle’s Tube Insertion
  • Jugular Central line
  • ECG taking etc.
Lectures by Teachers
Lectures by Teachers
Lectures by Teachers
General Wards
General Wards
General Wards
Research Projects
      1) Single Arm, Clinical Study To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Pramehghna Kashaya In Madhumeha-ForMUHS Long term Research Project.
      2) RandomisedControled Clinical Pilot Study To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Shiropichu And JatamansiPhanta In NidranashaWsr To Insomnia. – For MUHS Avishkar 2017.
      3) Prospective, Comparitive, Phase II Clinical Study To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Hrudayarnava Rasa In HrudrogaWsr To Angina.-For AYUSH Extra Mural Research.
      4) Prospective Parallel Randomized Single Blind Study To Assess The Change In Clinico Pathological Variables Of Patients On End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) On Maintenance Hemodialysis (MHD) With Ayurvedic Treatment Regimen ATR) Versus Those Not Receiving Ayurvedic Treatment Regimen.- For AYUSH Extra Mural Research.
Research Projects
Research Projects News

List of Ph.D. Students

Sr. No Name of Student Academic Year Name of Guide
1 Vd. KavitaS.Patil 2013-15 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
2 Vd. Kumudini Salve 2015-17 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
3 Vd. Eknath Kulkarni 2015-17 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
4 Vd. Sanjivani Rathod 2017-19 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
5 Vd. Sameer Holkar 2017-19 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
6 Vd. Prajakta kulkarni 2017-19 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni

List of P.G. Students

Sr. No Name of Student Academic Year Name of Guide
1 Vd. Praveen Chavan 2015-18 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
2 Vd. AnuradhaGoyal 2015-18 Vd. Eknath G. Kulkarni
3 Vd. Nikita Nigal 2015-18 Vd. Eknath G. Kulkarni
4 Vd. PriyankaPawar 2015-18 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
5 Vd. Sapana Singhade 2015-18 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
6 Vd. Jagdish Pillae 2016-19 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
7 Vd. Pradip Hatkar 2016-19 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
8 Vd. Ambika Bhagyavant 2016-19 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
9 Vd. Ravindra Kshirsagar 2016-19 Vd. Eknath G. Kulkarni
10 Vd. Sheetal Mandawkar 2016-19 Vd. Eknath G. Kulkarni
11 Vd.Umakant Kadam 2017-20 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
12 Vd.Bharat Ubale 2017-20 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
13 Vd.Shivani Gade 2017-20 Vd. Rajan B. Kulkarni
14 Vd.Deepak Mane 2017-20 Vd. Eknath G. Kulkarni
15 Vd.Babasaheb Deshmukh 2017-20 Vd. Eknath G. Kulkarni
Shalya Tantra
List of P.G.Students